[Hong Kong] Trademark ordinance amendments taken effective on June 19, 2020
Hong Kong Trademark Ordinance amendments have taken effective on June 19, 2020. The major legislative amendment is the inclusion of Madrid Protocol.

Key amendments on Hong Kong Trademark Ordinance (aka. “2020 Amendment Ordinance”):
  • Clarify nature and scope of preliminary advice relate to whether a trademark is likely to be refused registration on absolute and relative grounds
  • Request applicant which is a corporation to indicate its place of incorporation
  • Request applicant which is a corporation to indicate its place of incorporation
  • A trademark application will only be given a filing date after its application fee is paid in full. Failure to pay the application fee within 2 months after the date of the Registry’s notice requesting the payment thereof, the application shall be deemed never to have been made
  • Clarify circumstances in which an amendment – adding the representation of the applicant’s own registered trademark or registered particulars – to a trademark application may be made
  • Implementation of Madrid Protocol (estimate to be effective in 2022-23 the earliest)

For full article of this news, please see: https://bit.ly/2VUwsYp